Bredikhin (crater)

Bredikhin (crater)
Diameter 59 km
Depth Unknown
Colongitude 159° at sunrise
Eponym Fedor A. Bredikhin

Bredikhin is a lunar crater that is located on the far side of the Moon. It lies just to the west of the crater Mitra, and northeast of Raimond.

This is a worn crater formation with features that have been dusted by material from the ray system of Jackson, about three crater diameters to the northwest. The rim is overlaid by a small crater along the west-northwest, and by a formation of craterlets along the southwest. The most prominent feature within the interior is the crater which overlays much of the northwest floor, including the mid-point.

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater mid-point that is closest to Bredikhin.

Bredikhin Latitude Longitude Diameter
B 19.0° N 157.4° W 18 km
